Section outline

  • Today's processes of coloured textile production, whether it is dyeing or patterning of textiles by printing, are inconceivable without objective color evaluation systems. Consistent color reproduction is one of the key parameters of the quality of printed textile material. In serial production processes, it is crucial to ensure color reproducibility, and given the contradictory requirements, on the one hand the high quality of reproduction, and on the other hand the quick response and short time production process, it is impossible to meet such requirements without computer support and instrumental systems of color objectification.

    Historically, until the development of IC technologies, there was no complete development and implementation of colour objectification systems based on instrumental measurement and computer data processing in industrial settings. 

    Only with the development of information technologies comes the complete development and full implementation of color objectification system, which today occupies a key place not only in the production process but also in the process of creative product design.