
During the production of apparel in mass production, various types of stains can be applied on clothes. These stains can be due to manufacturing processes like machine oils of sewing machine or simple dirt marks due to poor handling at the work floor.

Nevertheless the type of stains, a dirty product is not supposed to be delivered to the customer who pays for it. It will not leave a good impression. therefore, before the product is finally packed, all clothing stains have to be removed. Here different techniques are used as per the requirement.

Stain Removal Gun

Often in apparel production, a stain removal gun is used to remove stains of different types. This comes with a handy shape that has water-soluble detergent in its container. The nozzle points the solution with pressure on the stain and the stain is hence removed. This involves the experience of operation and understanding to use it. Every fabric has different composition so the same parameters can't be used on every fabric. Moreover,  the pressured water solution may cause color removal of the garment. So another problem may be caused.

Spot clean gun

The Process of spot cleaning can be seen here from the video.


There are more sophisticated stain removal equipment also available which makes the process more easy. Such stain removing equipment comes with large aluminium hood with strong permanent suction, spotting agent deposit and an integrated lighting system make working easy. The perforated stainless steel work surface with spill tray for liquids and spray pistol for air and liquids come as standard.

Spot cleaning hood
Spot cleaning hood

The video demonstrates that how these industrial spot cleaning cabin work.


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