Section outline

  • The unquestionable importance of printing technology stems from the fact that today, both in everyday and professional life, there is almost no subject on which at least something is not printed. Despite the influence of digital machinery in recent years, screen-printing remains the main technology for a number of producers. Screen-printing has become so prevalent today, that everywhere we look, we see an example.  Even the things that are not readily visible to the eye have been screen-printed – like the electronic products - each of them has a printed circuit board (PCB) that supports the wiring and connections. Screen-printing has come a long way of development, and the so-called “manual” printing processes have long been abandoned.  What used to be called “silk screen” printing has been radically transformed into a high-tech industry with state-of-the-art equipment, and automated techniques.  Today, the industry involves semi-automatic and fully automatic machinery with ICT support implemented in all preparation and production phases. Screen-printing allows for production versatility; for high-end colour retention; for indoor and outdoor applications; and for quality results on variety of surfaces surface, including textiles. The advancement in screen-printing technologies has generated production methods that are fully automated (less lab), more cost effective (better bottom-line), and with finished results that deliver customer satisfaction. In terms of printing pastes components, innovative new chemicals and solvents are developing in the contexts of higher quality and yet ecological acceptability and sustainability. 



    • Materials for Students;
    • Materials for Staff; 
    • Materials for Trainers (University Teachers/Researchers) 


    The importance and implementation of ICT technology will be included in the theme of each topic. If we consider the application of ICT in textile analogue printing the application can mainly be categorized as:

    1. Application of computers in preparatory phases of textile printing.
    2. Applications of computer in process machineries for textile printing.
    3. Applications of computer in process management for textile printing.
    4. Applications of computer in quality testing equipment for printed textile.
    5. Applications of computer in overall process management for textile printing.

    CAD software solutions for textile printing industries are innovative packages, developed to achieve the highest quality in the shortest time. They must be able to integrate into the entire production process. Must be based on modular concept with all modules working “hand to hand“ to assure and simplify connection between designing (CAD) and screen production (engraving / light exposure - CAM).