Section outline

  • Teaching in the field of textile printing is based on the synergy of science, technology, professional experience and creativity. Textile printing itself is not a scientific branch, and several different fields of science meet in printing technology.

    Teaching/researching in the field of textile printing is based on the synergy of science, technology, professional experience and creativity. Textile printing itself is not a scientific branch and several different fields of science meet in printing technology: chemistry, physics, rheology, mechanical engineering, textile sciences (textile chemistry, textile clothing sciences, textile mechanical sciences and industrial design of textiles and clothing).

    The scheme shows the connection of different branches of science and technology within the field of textile printing, with an equal role also in design, which must work closely, as an artistic component, with the technical. For each segment, there is computer support through CAD and CAM systems, RIP programs, statistical and analytical software as well as specialized computer support for textile printing.

    Based on this first, general scheme of interdisciplinarity of textile printing, the structure of the necessary knowledge is set, in order to create and implement successful education in the field of textile printing.

    It is important to note that the schemes that follow do not represent a proposal for the structure of the course curriculum that would educate students on textile printing, but show the structure of knowledge needed to set up a successful curriculum and to conduct successful educationFundamental to the implementation of the teaching process in the field of textile printing, at the undergraduate and graduate study levels, requires a deep understanding of the heterogeneity of printing technology and the ability to combine certain knowledge in the areas listed in the following schemes to extract those needed for a particular level of program as well as the interests and orientations of students (technology or design).

    Research work in the field of textiles is carried out in each of these segments, plus in the field of information technology (IT) in the context of digitalization and automation of machines, software support for the preparatory phase of printing, which includes pattern preparation and separation, as well as in color visualization. Namely, in the context of the new era in which more and more digital communication and off-site sales of products are carried out, visualization and simulation are becoming a niche of intensive research work in the field of IT for textile technology in general, including textile printing technology.

    • The following diagram shows the basic areas contained in textile printing:

    • For each of these areas, the following is a diagram of the required knowledge:

    This provides guidelines for educational work, but also for research areas that are currently relevant in the field of textile printing.

    Much of the research and innovations currently happening in the field of printing is in the field of mechanical engineering and IT technologies (machine upgrades, automation, computer support for printing machines with all aspects of automation and process optimization).